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Cracks attack global warming

Oh, the terror! Here's what the coal industry thinks might happen if people actually do something to stop global warming:

According to the memo, environmentalists' efforts to combat global warming would realize the environmentalists' "dream of an egalitarian society based on rejection of economic growth in favor of a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equitably."

Sounds pretty good to me.

This is part of a leaked memo that's been circulating online - the coal industry is teaming up for a big propaganda blitz against global warming. This includes funding a scientist who "proved" that global warming was a myth by mixing up degrees and radians in his calculations.

This is the same guy who has, along with the National Review and plenty of mainstream media sources, misinterpreted Antarctic research - research that one of my own professors at Dartmouth is working on. One of the researchers wrote an op-ed for the Times that's currently #3 on its most-viewed articles list. Good.