Comedy Hour?
One of the ways that I plan to stay sane while driving out to Oregon is with books on tape. I'm also thinking of getting a few comedy albums to break things up -
Can anybody tell me anything at all about who might be good? I like Eddie Izzard, so I'm gonna get some of his classic late-90's stuff. But that's about all I got so far. I don't really know much about the work of some of the newer people like Dane Cook or Mitch Hedberg or any of those. It can't be anything too dirty, 'cause my mom will be in the car with me. Cursing is ok, though, as long as it's not ridiculous.
(UPDATE: I spent a few minutes educating myself on comedians and am gonna get some Mitch Hedberg, Margaret Cho, Bill Cosby, and, of course, some Izzard. Any more suggestions?)