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Morning Afternoon LOLz: Excusing Rush

This chuckler was in last week's local paper (emphasis mine):

But a few years ago a curious scandal emerged. Rush [Limbaugh], it was muttered darkly, was an addict turned onto jolly-drugs - the implication being he was a hypocrite using prescription medications for recreational purposes. It was further accused he'd gone “doctor-shopping” for medicos to provide him with such closely-controlled substances. Allow me to educate you, friends.

Rush explained at the time he was suffering from severe back pain. For anyone who has never experienced this, when your back hurts you hurt all over. I've been there myself, although luckily not very long at a time. I can't say how many of you may have experienced serious chronic pain, but I can speak from recent experience.

He then goes on to detail how badly HIS back has been hurting lately, which clearly excuses Limbaugh of any wrongdoing whatsoever.

I'm not wealthy like Rush and I can't buy doctors to prescribe pain-killing drugs, but believe me I would do it if I could. It wouldn't be for fun or “recreational purposes” either ... it'd just be to get by from one day to the next.

Ah, rural newspaper columnists.