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Today's Sweet Finds

So many good things on the internets lately! Here are a few.

- How To Make a Pot of Texas Red (Parts 1 and 2): Jeez would you look at how thick that stuff is? 1/3 cup of chile powder? 2 cups of coffee AND a beer? I've never had chili like this, but I totally want to try making it. She also mentions Bobby Flay's recipe, which sounds good too. (Homesick Texan)

Iowa Farmers Learn to Love the Grape. This piece makes me happy because it means that farmers are finding ways to stay on their land - and making pretty good wine! My mom and I actually saw several wineries when we drove through Missouri on the way out West. It's no Napa Valley, but nor should it be. (NYTimes)

- Here's a good interview with my man Al Gore. Doesn't he sound awesome? (GQ)

- The web is all about typography. Period. Nice essay. (IA)