This is What it's Gonna Be Like
So I'm busier than I even expected. This job takes a lot of time. This job takes a lot of energy. This lifestyle I've got takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of energy too. I love it anyway.
Other things in life are good - home, friends, food, exercise, etc. If I just made a bit more time for art and music I'd really be doing things Right.
I think I might have to get the internet at home after the holidays. I would like waking up at 5 or 6 AM to answer work emails from my cozy room in my cozy down booties. I don't like waking up at 5 or 6 am to get to the office at 7 AM to answer work emails.
Jen's in town this weekend! Jen from K-town, Jen who I've known forever! Yay for old friends, for long weekends, for an excuse to hit up Portland and the coast! Yay for going out with my old friend and my new roommate and 2 newly-met neighbors for Mexican food and ending up chatting for hours. Yay for having another neighbor over who brought his dog and wonderful warm Minnesota personality to dinner. Yay for good people and a good life.
Frustrating: haven't been able to prioritize / make the time for real writing here in a long time. Don't know when/if I will, but I want to. We'll see. Don't give up on me yet.