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  • I like bloggers and I like Obama and I like The Atlantic. But this article was kind of a letdown. Way to spray several thousand words across too many targets, Sullivan.

  • My roommate read The China Study and is now going almost completely vegetarian/vegan. I'm reading it and it's making me think twice too, but I'm more skeptical of the book's generalizations (namely, that animal protein consumption is always correlated with increased cancer rates). My take-home message from the book: eat more leafy green vegetables. Like, lots more.

  • Discovery of the week: fresh pomegranates. How is it that I had never in my life before this week actually cut open and eaten one on my own? SO GOOD. SOO GOOD.

  • Van Morrison's He Ain't Give You None. No Celtic mysticism here. Sounds like The Rolling Stones, but high. And then It's All Right follows, all languid and gorgeous. I love Van. I mean, check these lyrics:
    Now how can I tell you that I love you
    How can I say so many words and so many syllables
    In such a short space of time as this
    Just turn it on and soak it in
    And let it run off the walls
    And let it down, keep it, and don't lose it
    Or confuse it
    It's just right there layin' open
    Completely open for everybody to see
    Yeah, you got it.
    Yeah, it's all right.